It’s one of my favorite times of the year. Oscar Sunday. I got to thinking why do the25 celebs RAVE about what’s in the swag bags? What could possibly be in there that is so super awesome. I did some research for you and I now know why.
Named “Everyone Wins” Nominee Gift Bags, the unofficial goodie bag produced by Distinctive Assets for the past 16 years often generate a lot of buzz—whether it’s for the outrageous content or the lawsuit filed by the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences.
Let’s see some fun highlights as to what’s in the bag.
#1: 12-night Tanzania Adventure for two by International Expeditions, including private air travel within the country, meals, spa treatments, hot air balloon safari with champagne breakfast, private safari guide, wild game drives, stay at Serengeti Migration Camp, to name a few. ($40,000)
#2: Weeklong spa retreat for two at Golden Door in San Marcos, California. ($17,700)
#3: Six-night stay for two in a two bedroom, deluxe ocean view villa at the Koloa Landing Resort At Poipu, Hawaii. (Around $5,000)
#4: Lifetime supply of Oxygenating Foundation and Oxygenating Hydro-Matrix by Oxygenetix.($13,400)
and finally one of the more practical:
#14: Two boxes of underarm sweat patches by Dandi Patch. (Around $25 at £8.99 per box of ten)
There’s tons more in the bag. However, for the sake of time, these were the top 5.
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