I will never forget the scene in Steel Magnolias where Weezer takes a big hunk out of the Armadillo’s tail that of course was a red velvet cake that absolutely made the poor thing look like it was bleeding!
This has been the case for years! A thematically driven grooms cake. I have seen footballs, I have seen base ball bats. . you kind of see it all! However we got with some of our favorite pastry chefs across the country and have some insight as to where these things are going these days.
We are seeing choices going back to more basic and classic dark rich chocolate. This is a wonderful way to offset the fondant and icing that is the next night for the wedding cake. They are also going back to the idea that the rehearsal is thrown by the groom and that cake should be served then and not the next day at the wedding. Nothing should outshine the wedding cake. Do not tempt fate!
Our chef’s are seeing more modern square cakes with colors like blues, greys, whites, blacks.
Finally we are seeing tons of cakes with alcohol infused into them. From Rum to Whiskey, this keeps that manly feel to it. Have fun get creative and bon appetite baby!
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